Seventh Series Vol. XVII. Volume CXXXVII. London 1977. (The Royal Numismatic Society). 8vo. iv, 259, (1 blank), xl, (2) pp. + 16 plates in black and white. Publ. dark red cloth. Front board slightly faded, otherwise a very good copy. *Contents: "The date and purpose of the Iberian denarii", by R.C. Knapp, "Notes on the chronology and interpretation of the Roman Republican coinage", by Charles A. Hersh, "The authority to coin in the late Republic and early Empire, by A.M. Burnett, "A hoard of folles from northern Sinai", by C.E. King and A. Spaer, "The Antalya hoard of milaresia of Basil I", by D.M. Metcalf, "The mint of Trebizond under Alexius I and the Gabrades", by Simon Brendall, "Lead tokens form the River Tames at Windsor and Wallingford", by Martin Dean, "The late Francisco Carbone's collection of thalers from Yemen", by G.S.P. Freeman-Grenville. Engelsk.
NOK: 200,00  Boknr: 7212535
Seventh Series Vol. XVIII. Volume CXXXVIII. London 1978. (The Royal Numismatic Society). 8vo. iv, 217, (3 blank), xxxii, (2), (16) pp. + 28 plates in black and white. Publ. dark red cloth. Very good copy. * Contents: "The coinage of Alopeconnesus in Thracian Chersonesus", by Ural Yarkin, "On some tetradrachms of Orodes II and the probable issues of Pacorus I", by B. Simonetta, "The Palestinian "Judea Capta" coins of Vespasian and Titus and the era on the coins of Agrippa II minted under the Flavians", by D. Barag, "The coinage of Korakesion in Cicilia", by Edoardo Levante, "The issues of Severus and his sons in A.D. 211", by Philip V. Hill, "The Woodeaton (Oxfordshire) hoard and the problem of the Constantinian imitations, A.D. 330-41", by C.E. King, "The Rafah hoard. Byzantine sixth-century folles", by A. Spear, "Coinage of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in the name of Baudouin", by D.M. Metcalf, "The Turris Davit coinage and the regency of Raymond III of Tripoli (1184-6)", by C. Sabine, "The method of striking scyphate coins using two obverse dies, in the light of an early thirteenth century hoard", by Simon Bendall and David Sellwood, "Thessalonican coinage of the mid thirteenth century in the light of a new hoard", by Simon Bendall, "The sterlings of Guy de Dampierre, and related enigmatic issues", by N.J. Mayhew, "The role of gold coinage in the English economy, 1338-1400", by Mavis Mate, "The medal of Paola Gonzaga: a re-assessement", by Michael Vickers, "The silver coinage of China, 1912-1928", by R.N.J. Wright. Engelsk.
NOK: 200,00  Boknr: 7212536
Seventh Series Vol. XIX. Volume CXXXIX. London 1979. (The Royal Numismatic Society). 8vo. iv, 282, (2 blank), xxxii(16) pp. + 34 plates in black and white. Publ. dark red cloth. Very good copy. * Contents: "Hellenistic coins from the site of Vani, in Colchis (Western Georgia)", by G.F. Dundua and G.A. Lordkipanidze, "King Marcus Antonius Polemo", by Richard D. Sullivan, "The Clementiae and Moderationi dupondii of Tiberius: more thoughts on the chronology", by C.H.V. Sutherland, "A Roman hoard from Cyprus", by William E. Metcalf, "The coin-portraiture of Severus and his family from the mint of Rome", by Philip V. Hill, ""The so-called interregnum coinage", by David Yonge, ""The 1973 Beachy Head treasure trove of third-century antoniani", by R.F. Bland, "The Hougham hoard of sceattas", c. 1780", by C.E. Blunt, "The Oakham hoard of 1749, deposited c. 980", by C.E. Blunt and C.S.S. Lyon, "Numismatic iconography of the Tower of David and the Holy Sepulchre", by C.J. Sabine, ""Crusader coins in the Museum of the Order of St. John, at Clerkenwell", by D.M. Metcalf and P.J. Willis, "Les espèces, les ateliers, les frappes, et les émissions monétairesen Guyenne anglo-gasconne aux XIVe et XVe siècles", by P. Capra, "The Scottish gold coinage of 1555-8", by J.K.R. Murray, "Gold coins and gold-like gold in the Muscovite state, and the first gold pieces of Ivan III", by I.G. Spasski, "An historical survey of the precious metal currencies in China", by Joe Cribb. Engelsk.
NOK: 200,00  Boknr: 7212537
Third printing. Wolfboro 1987. (Bowers and Merena Galleries). 4to. 415 s. Rikt illustrert. Billedplansjer i farver. Orig. bd. Pen. Engelsk.
NOK: 400,00  Boknr: 603804
2. reviderede udgave. København 1971. (Dansk Numismatisk Forening). Folio. 223 s. Rikt illustrert. Orig. helsjirtingbd. Svakt plettet innbd. Dansk.
NOK: 250,00  Boknr: 615928
Oslo 2003. (Den norske Bank Holding). 4to. 484 s. Meget rikt illustrert, delvis i farver. Orig. dekorert blått helsjirtingbd. med vareomsl. Mindre rifter i vareomsl., forøvrig meget pen. Norsk (Bokmål).
NOK: 250,00  Boknr: 7213665
Oslo 1962. (Frivakt's hobbyhefte 5). 8vo. 64 s. Rikt illustrert. Orig. omsl. Statens Verferdskontor for Handelsflåten. Norsk (Bokmål).
NOK: 120,00  Boknr: 5093575
Frivakt's Hobbyhefte 5. Oslo 1962. (Statens Verferdskontor for Handelsflåten). 8vo. 64 s. Rikt illustrert. Orig. omsl. Navn på tittelbl. Norsk (Bokmål).
NOK: 150,00  Boknr: 7208975
Oslo 1967. Folio. 252 s. Rikt illustrert. Orig. helsjirtingbd. med vareomsl. Norsk (Bokmål).
NOK: 350,00  Boknr: 28456